➣ No racism or ethnical prejudices. No sexism.
➣ Be tolerant of other peoples viewpoints and opinions.
➣ Please refrain from heated political discussions.
➣ Do not post any content (including memes) that include:
pornography, gore, personal information
➣ Do not harass or personally attack admins. If you feel that you have been wronged, please take out an appeal ticket.
➣ You aren't allowed to "minimod" in the server
➣ Do not spam emojis.
➣ No impersonation of well-known people/bots with profile pictures/names.
➣ Advertising isn't allowed anywhere except within the designated advertising channels.
➣ Do not use alts maliciously
Failure to follow the rules will result in a mute, kick and if severe enough, a ban. If you would like to appeal against your ban, you may fill out this form: